Wednesday 27 March 2013

Bharti Walmart India - Deceitful Corruption Probe

Walmart only thrives in the world because they have been feeding off the human slavery in Chinese, and Bangladeshi Sweatshops created for predatory pricing.

This is the technique they use in every economy they target for exploitation, and they come in with their cheap goods from outside their economy so they can quickly destroy the small businesses in the area to make billions, really fast. There is no better business than the business of corruption, and if every one has a corrupt mind then making off with the loot becomes much easier. 

The zealots have used this trick all over the planet, and they make sure that all the people of the planet remain wallowing in their own filth so they can feed off the corruption they have created in the first place. They are an amazing force of evil that will stop at nothing when it comes to running their profiteering racket.

They manipulate the puppet government with the amassed money they have gained over the years, and they use that power to suppress the people so they have no chance of fighting back their evil force. They re-program the people using every means at their disposal to make them think that every thing being done around them is for their own good. It is like being in a vinus fly trap, and when the trap closes it is already too late.

They will stop at nothing when it comes to making money over the lives of other people, and they will make sure that every culture in the world is destroyed so they can come up the ladder by suppressing every one else. They are amazing monsters that have corrupted the planet for generations, and the time is now that they are completely destroyed so they can never do this again to any one else.

They constant sweatshops fires in countries like Bangladesh has shown that the zealots will stop at nothing when it comes to their profiteering racket, and they will keep suppressing the masses to produce more for their never ending hunger of greed. They are truly monsters that will use the very system against the people so that their feeding frenzy will never come to an end.

This amazing destruction of the world has to stop once, and for all so that we all have a future that we can look towards unlike the bleak future we have today. At the rate we are all being destroyed, and used as cattle in the corporate machines the chances are low that we are going to have any good future at all.

Bharti Walmart India
Tommy Wade
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Tuesday 22 January 2013

Bharti Walmart India - False Blogs By Hired Hand

Bharti Walmart India has used their own workforce to write positive blogs for themselves so that they can have some positive reviews for themselves in the world. This is the method they have used to create massive "Confusion" in the world which has been created to warp the minds of the people. They have used this technique in many areas, and this is one of them. They have suppressed the truth using the power of confusion, and Ambiguity so that the truth is perpetually suppressed form the eyes of the people. This way they will walk into a trap that has been set up for them, and they will have absolutely no way out any more. This is the amazing labyrinth that has been created for them, and the people are being destroyed without even their knowledge. 

Bharti Walmart India depends on those people who are weak willed, and prefer to take the easy way out every time. This has allowed such companies to manipulate such people for all of their lives, and they continue to be their slaves because they just cannot see any other way out for themselves. This is an amazing trap no doubt, but it is built to destroy human lives for personal profit. Such a warped system that destroys a number of lives for generations to come has to be destroyed before the people of the world are completely destroyed because of their own ignorance.

Ignorance is not always bliss.

Bharti Walmart India

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Bharti Walmart India - "Plausible deniability" Psychological deception

Bharti Walmart India has used the deceptive tactic of "Plausible Deniability" which was meant to be used to hide truth from the general public, and now this is used by such corporations at a massive level to hide every "day light robbery" that they commit around the planet. They have all the media under their control, and they have the financial power to suppress any voice that rises against them. They use their political connections to destroy the laws of a target country, and invade any economy that they wish to exploit for their profits. They do not care about providing a service, they just care about finding the easiest way to make a lot of money no matter what the cost. They use every deceptive technique in the book to manipulate their opponents in a constant loop, and they create numerous barriers to hide the truth. The ultimate agenda is to keep the people in a constant state of confusion which gives them a free card to steal right out of their pockets without their knowledge.

Bharti Walmart India

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Walmart Writes off truth by "Faking News"

"Faking News" has been one of the biggest propaganda machines of the Zionist Bharti Walmart India which they have successfully merged with "Satire form" to suppress ever lie, deception and backstabbing the perform in the world. They have used this system for generations to scam billions of people using many such "intellectual terrorism" techniques. They have used "fear", politics, money and many other deceptive means to spread their "parasitical ways" in the world.

Bharti Walmart India
Deception has been their primary weapon, along with manipulating the laws that protect life. They use every means at their disposal to keep the people of the world entrapped in their system of greed so they can feed off their lives till the end of time. The time has come to reveal their demonic techniques so that they do not continue in the world any longer. 

Thursday 1 November 2012

Deception as weapon in the Court of Law

The best way to win a case in the court of law is to create slick deception which would perpetually put the opponent in a loop which cannot be broken easily. This is the greatest method used by the zealots to destroy any opposition against them, and they have been doing this for generations around the planet. This force of evil has taken a whole new form of evil corporations like Bharti Walmart India which is built on the system of infinite greed. They are sourcing all of their goods from enslaved China that has been corrupted with communism which suppresses all forms of spiritual knowledge to make the people weak. Today, all the common people of china are being used as cheap labor after they were suppressed by the British East India company. They have been destroyed completely for generations, and now they have become perpetual slaves of the zealots who intend to use them till the end of time. 

Bharti Walmart India

Tuesday 11 September 2012

EL Rothschild’s and walmart plans for India

Bharti Walmart India is being supported and funded by Lady Lynn Forester Rothschild ( whose family owned British, French, Dutch, Swiss East India Company that enslaved India ) These people did not leave this country after the so-called independence, but they have controlled this country and all the countries they enslaved through the years through a puppet government they installed. They have been creating all the chaos that you see in the world today so that they can feed off the lives of all the people of the planet. Their depth of greed is really that amazing that they have absolutely no remorse what so ever, and they intend to continue on their demonic path.

Bharti Walmart India

Wal-Mart shows interest in export of Indian agri-products, this will be the second such initiative for Bharti Group. Bharti Enterprises has an additional undertaking, FieldFresh Foods with EL Rothschild Group-owned ELRO Holdings India, to export fresh agri-products like fruits and vegetables to Europe and the US.

Field Fresh was fundamentally an export agro-based corporation and has been exporting fresh fruits and vegetables to various markets including UK, the Middle East and Europe.

It is apparent that they have no intentions of making the deliverance of farm produce within the country better, but they intend to export it to European countries instead.

Bharti Walmart India is going to continue its onslaught towards the common people who are completely unaware of the true agenda of the "Zealots" who intend to destroy the lives of their future generations to come. This madness created by the zealots have to be stopped before many more innocent people fall victim to their enormous trap.

Saturday 25 August 2012


The question you should be asking yourself before reading ahead is why is the world in the bad economic shape that it is in today? The whole economic system around the world is built on an unhealthy system of “Debt” which was installed over the original system that was healthier for everyone. The system of debt allowed the zealots to steal everything from all the people of the planet after they had taken over the world with the “British, French, Dutch, Swiss East India company”. The Zealot Age of enlightenment is the pure opposite of the original concept of enlightenment which is the liberation from the world of death. The zealot age of enlightenment represents how to enslave the people of the world with the poisonous system of everlasting debt. Major corporations that grew like mushrooms around the world by creating Chinese slaves who produce cheap goods for them, and they supply those goods to the rest of the planet to make their fortune. Bharti Walmart India is the next phase in the system of infinite exploitation of all the people connected to their warped web. 

Bharti Walmart India
The case of Debby Shanks also proves that they will go to any length to profiteer off the lives of the common people. She was in a major accident in the year 2000, and she lost her ability to function as a normal person. She had short term memory loss which made her forget any conversation she has 10 minutes ago. Her family won the lawsuit against the trucking company which was responsible for her accident, and they won money from that lawsuit. Instead of helping her, walmart sued her for that money because they had already had a clause in her contract for the same. 

Bharti Walmart India
The use of “Dead peasant insurance policy” is the undying proof of “Zealotry”, which was created to save up the money that they would have had to pay the government in the form of taxes. Using this policy the corporations owned by the zealots can easily use the system to preserve millions through insurance. They can also take up loans from the banks over this policy at the same time which them nearly unlimited edge over money. If this evil corporation comes into this country, then they are going to play the same game of near infinite exploitation, and all the common people will be completely destroyed in the next 10 years.